BEING preggers is both a beautiful and wonderful thing – but watching your body change dramatically and feeling completely out of control, is frankly, a headf**k. At seven months pregnant, my tummy is starting to resemble an igloo strapped across my body and while it’s amazing to know there is a little baby growing in there, a little help from the beauty world to nourish my stretching skin is such a treat. Step in L’Or Rose by Melvita (note: one of my very fave skincare brands <3). I slather this stuff on religiously (the bottle is already half empty and I’ve only had it about 3 weeks!!). It’s a dry oil that is designed to help cellulite and tone up skin while it also nourishes and hydrates.Being a body oil, you may expect it to simply layer onto your skin – but this ‘dry oil’ formula soaks in immediately and doesn’t wreck your clothes. A huuuge bonus when your maternity wardrobe is ‘capsule’ to say the least! It also smells divine with a soft, subtle rose scent. Results-wise, I (luckily) have yet to experience stretch marks but I’m banking on this oil to help keep them at bay. I’m planning on powering up and adding a cream moisturiser at a separate time of the day into the mix. L’Or Rose launched in the UK in April and is £30 for 100ml.