Pillow: What causes pillow face?

Pillow, properties of cosmetics, its useful properties and contraindications for use, types of cosmetics, rules of use, and use. A cushion is a soft sponge that can be impregnated with any liquid cosmetic. For example primer, powder, redness, primer. The packaging of the product looks like powder.

What causes pillow face?

The cushion is a new type of base and adjusted that comes in a more comfortable and denser package. Primer is usually sold in various tubes, bottles, and jars. But Korean brands have made inroads in the cosmetics industry with the pillow. Following this, these developments were adopted by European cosmetics manufacturers. The cushion is a fairly versatile remedy. This product has the same decorative features like the basics we are used to and also contains nourishing and moisturizing elements.

What are pillow cosmetics?

The main thing in the pillow is the original presentation of the product. The consistency of the product is liquid, it is almost weightless on the skin. It can even be used as a moisturizing liquid. A small sponge is impregnated with this foundation. It is in a holster, wherein one compartment is powder or primer. The case looks very much like powder; it is also equipped with a small mirror. This tool is very easy and convenient to use outside the home. A cushion is a great discovery for girls with high-quality skin because the product has good camouflage and will help you to disguise slight imperfections. It is also noteworthy that pillows from different brands may differ from each other in terms of their features and ingredients. Some products help the skin to have a matte texture and remove oily shine while others help the skin to give radiance and freshness. In the set, in any cushion, you will definitely find a sponge that will be easy to apply the foundation itself on. The sponge can be of different shapes and sizes, depending on how it is recommended to apply foundation, powder, or blush on the skin of the face. Unlike Asian brands, European brands have made the pillow texture lighter, such as a blend of BB cream, primer, and primer. Now on the market in the form of pillows, not only the tone of the primer and bellows are widely represented, but also the primer, liquid, and redness. With the help of the product, you can hide minor imperfections in the face, create a weightless veil on it and give the skin a little glow. The product will not cover significant defects, because of this it is better to resort to the help of a corrector or concealed.

Benefits of non-clogging powder

The main advantage of this cosmetic product is not only convenient packaging but also efficiency. You can use the cushion safely with perfect hygiene during the application process, as there is no contact with the product with your fingers. It is also convenient to store it: special packaging will reliably keep the product intact. The sponge is easy to use, its texture is porous and airy, which allows you to distribute the product evenly. The product is easy to apply to the skin: just press the sponge so that it absorbs the required amount of cream, and then gently apply the sponge over the skin of the face.

Note that the pad is not just a decorative tool. Its composition is rich in various oils, vitamins, and natural extracts of medicinal herbs. Thanks to mineral water, which is also included in the composition, the skin is moisturized and nourished with useful substances; the effect of the mask is not created on the face. By using a pad, you protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

You need to choose cosmetics carefully, based on the characteristics of the skin. For example, for the oily type, these are products with a matting effect that will remove excess shine and help maintain an even and lasting make-up throughout the day. The pillow has a fairly comfortable packaging that is easy to put in a beauty bag. You can adjust your make-up in any place that suits you. Reflections in the product will help to rejuvenate the face and make it rustier and visually smoother, and tidier.

Contraindications to the use of a pillow

The pad gives a wonderfully even coverage of the face, but this product also has some contraindications. Do not use the product on skin with severe irritation or rash. This will only make the situation worse. It is also not recommended to apply to the skin if it has herpes, boiling, or blowing. The pad is not suitable for very dry or oily skin. It is also worth considering the individual intolerance of some of the components that make up the product.

What are the types of pillows?

To not spend a lot of time on makeup, is enough to buy pillows. With its help, in just a few simple strokes, you can cleanse your skin. A pillow applied to the skin before make-up will prepare the face for further use of decorative products. The skin will be clean, smooth, and fresh all day. There are several types of funds available.

Cushion primer

According to reviews, the pad foundation is not inferior in quality to popular BB creams, liquids, and foundations. The product is very versatile and contains many caring elements.

This cosmetic has a fairly dense texture and hides power. The tone pad not only performs a decorative function but also takes care of the skin thanks to the nourishing plant extract.

Heat water, which is part of the product, will help maintain the moisture balance of the skin: oily will be dull for a long time, without oily sheen, and dry will not be dried. If necessary, before applying the pillow, additionally nourish the skin with a light liquid or day cream.

Dry base powder pad

This product is versatile, and practical and will help you touch your makeup quickly and easily. You can definitely buy powdered powder and always have it with you in a cosmetic bag.

The benefits of powder include:

  • It quickly removes, and most importantly for a long time, excess fat from the skin of the face. Gloss can appear on any skin, especially on a hot day. Beauticians say that the appearance of oily sheen is a completely natural process. The second is that it does not look very good and aesthetically pleasing. And with the help of powder tones, this problem is quickly solved. The face immediately becomes dull and velvety soft.
  • The product will also be able to hide small imperfections on the skin, such as small age spots, wrinkles, and enlarged pores.
  • You can keep your makeup fresh all day long. The powdered powder can be used both as a base and as an excellent fastener for finished make-up.
  • If you overdo it a little with redness, eye shadow, or face line, the powder will help to soften the overall look of these little blemishes. The device will reduce the brightness of the lines, help to blend them slightly, and give the face a natural look.

Today you can find a large selection of powders in any cosmetics store. With so many types of cosmetics, you will surely find the right product for your skin type. In addition, powders can also have additional properties: prevent redness and inflammation of the skin, moisturize and nourish the face.

There are several types of powder:

  • Matting … The most popular type. The main task of the product is to remove excess grease. An ideal choice for girls with oily or combination skin. The powder contains fine absorbent components that absorb grease and prevent the shine from appearing for several hours. If the skin is dry and with flaky skin, then the opposite effect is possible, the powder will only emphasize this imperfection.
  • Moisturizing powder … The texture of the product is rather soft and dry, but at the same time, thanks to moisturizing components, it will give the face a fresh and rested look. The powder carefully cares for the top layer of the epidermis. Such a product is perfect for dry skin: it will hide a slight imperfection when used; it evens out the complexion and moisturizes it.
  • Antiseptic … For use on oily skin with blemishes or acne. The powder contains bactericidal ingredients that activate the healing process of old rashes and prevent new ones from appearing.
  • Sparkling powder with reflective particles … They can be in different shades – gold, silver, and pale pink. Sometimes a ground mother of pearl can also be added to the composition. These shiny particles will give your face a subtle glow and glow. The use of this powder will be appropriate when applying evening make-up. The product is usually worn on the temples, cheekbones, arms, shoulders, and décolleté. For daytime make-up, the use of mica powder should be kept to a minimum.
causes pillow face
causes pillow face

Cushion powder for high-quality skin

The main problem with oily skin is the high activity of sebaceous glands. As a result, the skin begins to shine and shine quickly. The face needs to be powdered often. If the skin is red and swollen, frequent use of regular powder can cause even more irritation. Cosmetics that are not suitable for the skin type are simply clogged with pores, the skin membrane does not breathe through the dense product layer. Therefore, when choosing cosmetics in the store, pay attention to the packaging: they should contain the following phrase – “non-comedogenic”. Buy powdered powder, which will not contain fatty oils, but the presence of antibiotics and antiseptic components is very much appreciated. Such components cleanse the face of unwanted bacteria that have accumulated on the skin throughout the day. Ideal powder for oily skin owners: odorless and always allergenic, containing zinc, and minerals.

How to apply a pillow to the face

It is very easy and convenient to apply the pillow base. The product packaging contains instructions that even beginners can distribute the tone evenly.

Rules for applying pads

The stone pad should be applied to the skin in the same way as a regular foundation: with fingers, sponges, brushes, or beauty blends. As a rule, a small porous sponge is already included in the pillow package. Make-up artists point out that the most convenient way to apply is with your fingers on the dot and then spread the tone lightly with a brush or sponge. Before applying the pad, moisten the skin with cream, and soak it for a few minutes. During the day, if necessary, you can either re-apply the foundation or simply refresh some areas of the face. A significant advantage of the pillow is that this product will not affect the doll mask on the face. The skin will be smooth and beautiful.

Properties of powder coating

The methods of applying toner powder pads depend on the consistency of the product. But the general instructions and advice from make-up artists are the same for any powder: a small amount of the product is applied to the skin with a sponge. The feather should go from top to bottom. First, apply a little powder to the center of your forehead and keep walking toward the temples. From this, the outline should already be worked out. The next step is the cheeks, nose and under the eyes. Such sensitive areas should be treated with a soft brush so that the product lies evenly. To adjust the result of the powder, apply a colorless matte powder to the face. How to choose a pillow?

Tone pillow is a novelty in the beauty industry but it has already gained popularity among girls. The product range is quite wide, which makes it possible to choose a product that suits your skin type and meets your needs. The product contains natural herbicides, thermal water, and shiny particles. With the help of pillows, your skin will be transformed in a few simple strokes!




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