The Review: Human + Kind

I WAS chatting on FaceTime one night last month, when – in the muddle of a conversation – I was surprised to be cheerfully informed that I have a dark patch of skin, clearly visible on my face.

After many moments poring over the mirror I decided to use a natural, paraben-free skin lightening cream to even out the dark patch that was so visible on screen.

I opted for a range of products that is new to organic and FairTrade beauty e-tailer Big Green Smile called Human + Kind.

Being the beauty-mad kind of girl I am, I also decided to pick up another product from their range – an anti-ageing cream.

When they arrived, I couldn’t help but swoon over the gorgeous packaging. I’m a total sucker for unusual and quirky design and I absolutely love the outerwear that the Human + Kind products come in.

I’ve been using the Skin Lightening cream fairly religiously (although I know that there aren’t going to be any miracles overnight and I’ll have to keep applying regularly) and I have to say that a little product goes a really long way. I only need a smidgen on my finger to cover the patch.

It seems to contain an ingredient which also acts as cover-up because after application sometimes I don’t even apply any more of a base. It seems to blend my darker patch into the rest of my skin so effectively that all I do is swipe on some matte lipstick and head out of the door.

My hard work so far has been slightly set back by getting a tan – which shows up any imperfections like this in a harsher light. But so far I’m pleased with the results.

Using a natural product also eases my mind as I don’t feel I am doing any damage that a chemical cream may do.

Human + Kind’s Skin Lightening cream is exclusive to Big Green Smile.

Take a gander at the whole range here.



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