AFTER the joy of trialling Nexxus – basically the best haircare system known to man (well, at least known to me) I didn’t feel I could justify spending £30 on reinvesting, so I picked up a supermarket shampoo boasting bags of Argan Oil, hoping that it would be smooth and silky on my hair. Meh, I can now report back that I’ve been sorely disappointed with Ogx Renew Argan oil of Morocco shampoo and conditioner. Wahh! I think I’ve mentioned before that I really love a foaming shampoo, which really bubbles up and gets your hair feeling soapy and fresh and in a right good lather. This shampoo, which I picked up with my weekly shop in Sainsburys, fell a bit, well, flat. It did the job I guess, but where was the handfuls of bubbles that meant I could give my barnet a real good scrub, exfoliating my scalp in the process? Also, a shampoo that doesn’t foam means you have to use loads of product to cover even my mid-length hair. The conditioner, was… meh, OK. Again, does the job, but whenever I’ve used pure Argan Oil, it’s been absolutely amazing – a tiny bit makes my hair soft like silk – so I was expecting a really lovely soft finish, which just wasn’t delivered. Ogx Renew Argan oil of Morocco is £7.00 (which is quite a lot considering Nexxus is only £14) and the shampoo is available here, and the conditioner here.