What could you do during your commute?

img_9085-300x300_edited-1COMMUTING is a necessity of life. As much as I dream that I would like to live next door to my place of work, the reality is not as desirable. Many years ago, I had the opportunity to move to Wapping whilst I worked at The Sun. It would have been about a two minute walk to work (and I started at 10am, so just think of the lie-ins) but the claustrophobia of both working and living in the same place was too much.Commuting is a huge chunk of your day every day, though. It takes me roughly an hour door to door to get to work so that equals two hours a day, five times a week – that’s 10 hours!So, as it’s Catch The Bus Week this week, I have been dreaming up what I could do with ten hours of time per week on board a Stagecoach bus: I could use the onboard free wifi to tap away on Duo Lingo and brush up on my beginners’ Spanish… read all the library books that are cluttering up my home… Or… PLAN MY WEDDING.I got engaged last December and have been frantically trying to plan what would be an affordable, fun and relaxed celebration of myself and my fiancé pledging eternal love to each other. It’s so bloody hard. The prices for anything wedding-related basically triple and trying to coordinate friends and family from across the country is nigh on impossible. What works for one branch of the family, doesn’t work for the other.Screen Shot 2016-07-05 at 20.49.48Wedding planning takes a lot of time and can get a tad obsessive – so doing planning and research in short bursts is quite a good way of keeping a lid on any bridezilla behaviour – perfect for the hour commute each way to work.Fancy doing a bus-route to work? Stagecoach operate across East and South East London. Find out their bus fares here, and their bus pass fares here.Meanwhile, I’m taking a short break from obsessive wedding planning! Hopefully the perfect solution for the ‘Big Day’ will just appear in my head when I least expect it! 

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