NOVEMBER can be a tricky time of year. Summer’s finished, and there’s a void to fill before the festive season (and cash splashing) begins.
However, count Sunday the 25th of November booked. Pencil it into your diary. Because it has been announced that the 25th will be host to Boring 2012.
Thomas Gast
Boring ’12, now in its third year, is a celebration of the ‘prosaic and mundane’, a conference dedicated to all things dull.
At the same address and in the same format as Boring 2011, it is anticipated that there will be a huge rush for tickets, so get in quick.
Talks at this year’s conference will include seminars and lectures on subjects such as self-service tills, yellow lines, toast, pylons, gardening, shop fronts and Auto Sensory Meridian Response videos.
James Ward, conference organiser, says: “Strictly speaking this isn’t a conference because not everyone will have the opportunity to confer. I suppose it is theoretically possible to design a system that would enable everyone in the room to exchange opinions with everyone else, but I’m not going to do this.”
Boring 2012 will take place in London on November 25th. The first 100 tickets (on sale this Friday) will be sold for £15, and all others thereafter will cost £20. Follow @boringconferenc (note the missing ‘e’).
Boring Conference: Sunday November 25, 10am, 5 Old Ford Road, London, E2 9PJ
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